I must give a special thanks to Everett Winrow for contributing the following photos.

Everett was one of the original 9 members of The Mecca Magic Society of Magicians in the early 50's.

Everett remembers Ted as, not only a great magician and teacher but also, a generous and very loveable person and he has many fond memories of Mr. Collins and the club.

above: Ted Collins

above: Charles Narucki : Left  (who was great with card fans and sleights)

with Everett Winrow: right who performed stage magic.

above: Mike Schmal ( not sure of spelling) with assistant Dahne Collins ,Ted's older daughter ( very special thanks to Bunnie Collins for identifying for me the "mystery" girl in photo) .

above: Mike Schmal with Everett Winrow.

above: Start at bottom and work up left to right and lower right
Charles Mayes who was a slight of hand artist. Charles Narucki, the next two are unknown, Everett Winrow stage magic, Jack McGraff, next 3 unknown.

This group photo above is a xerox copy of photo given to Everett from Mr. Collins.

If anyone is familiar with and/or can identify any of the unknown people in photo above please email me. [email protected]

If you have any photos or stories please  would love to add them to this page.


Thank you so much Everett.

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